Life with multiple sclerosis: it’s time to roll with the flow
How you can roll your way to more freedom with a rollator
We’re always looking to make the lives of those who have multiple sclerosis easier. Our job is to help you feel empowered and more free, without feeling like you have to compromise, because a rollator should feel like something that liberates you, not something that holds you back.
It can be hard to wrap your head around starting to use a rollator; it can even feel like a shift in your identity, with hard-wired images of the old and frail popping up in your mind when you think of shifting over to a rollator, but as Bob Dylan did say, the times they are a-changing, and our range of rollators indicate this shift to sleeker, more aesthetically appealing designs.
Helping you get some action (but not necessarily that kind)
Rollators help to keep you on your feet, meaning you get more exercise and can stay part of the action. This is vital for us all to prolong our physical and mental health, to keep our independence and maximise our mobility.
Many of our rollators are suitable for taking off-road, meaning that you can still go for park strolls and the like. We also stock living room models for using indoors, and all-purpose rollators.
There are lightweight models for if you’re looking to finally book that holiday that you haven’t dared to go on for years, so no matter what your lifestyle is – or how you plan for it to be once you have your rollator – we’re here to help you find the right rollator to suit your personal needs.
How to know when it’s rollator o’clock
Knowing when it’s time to start using a rollator is different for every person with multiple sclerosis, but here are our top 3 things to note:
Reaching for surfaces when you walk by them
If you find yourself reaching for something, or feeling off-balance without it, this may be a sign of readiness for a rollator, as relying on a surface, such as a wall, worktop, or otherwise, may cause you to be thrown further off-balance. -
Increase in foot drop
You may be on your toes more than usual or finding that your foot is hitting the floor hard on a more regularly basis. -
Nearly falling over, or falling
If you’ve had your first fall or a near-miss, it’s likely that you’d have an easier time with a rollator.
Whilst many people will start out their mobility aid journey with a walking stick/cane, it can be time to transition to a rollator if you’re finding that you’re putting more than 50% of your bodyweight onto the cane, or if either coordination or balance are feeling hard to manage whilst using one.
A rollator can also be a great option through the icy, cold months, when you can do with the extra stability. If you find that you’re often stopping to take a seat, your rollator has you covered, as you’re likely to need less breaks with the additional support, but when it is time to take 5, your rollator has its own seat, so you don’t need to always be on the look-out for somewhere to take a break.
A rollator for every wallet and every need
We have rollators and walkers to suit every budget, that can be tailored to your specific needs, from our Mobilex Jaguar Indoor rollator through to our Topro Taurus walkers.
MS manifests differently in every person, and we’re aware that each person has varying needs. An example of this is our Rollz Motion model that changes from a rollator to a wheelchair, making it a superb 2-in-1 for people whose needs may change day to day, or even hour to hour. If you’re still able to be on your feet some of the time, but may benefit from being pushed when fatigued, it’s a great option, as extending your ability to walk as much as possible, and not having to automatically reach for the wheelchair over the rollator, can be fantastically freeing.
You can make an enquiry to find a rollator to suit you by heading over to our contact page, by clicking here.
Our best-selling rollator
Functionality meets top-notch aesthetics with our best-selling rollator, the byACRE Carbon Ultralight rollator, which is the world’s lightest rollator, weighing in at only 4.8kg. This is owed to a fully carbon-fibre frame, with the additional parts made of aircraft-grade aluminium, and ergonomic handles that really do feel like a helping hand. You can read the 250+ genuine 5-star reviews that it has over here.
ByACRE’s Danish CEO, Anders Berggreen, when speaking about how he went from being a TV and Film Producer to producing an industry-disrupting rollator, said on why he started byACRE
“My grandma was 97 and she never felt old. [I thought] why can’t we make something cool for them? Let’s see if we can do something to reverse the perception of what a rollator is.”
It certainly has that Scandinavian sleek, minimal design, that is thoughtfully and skilfully crafted, without crossing into ‘look at me’ territory (all though you can of course ‘pimp your rollator’, should you wish to). MSers of all ages are looking for a rollator that doesn’t conjure up images of clinical settings and ‘functionality over everything’; and when something becomes an extension of yourself, you want it to fit the bill.
The ByACRE Carbon Ultralight rollator was also featured in the Financial Times
The byACRE red carbon Ultralight rollator is so sleek I’d happily roll it into Celine while shoppingIn addition to its ultralight frame, it also clocks in at only 255mm wide when folded, meaning that it is able to fit in the boot of almost every car, including small hatchbacks.
We invite you to share your story
We’re inspired by you – people living with MS, and doing life a little differently. We’ve shared stories like that of Martin Baum, and we want to hear from you, too.
About the Author

Tanya G
Tanya has seven years of experience writing engaging and persuasive articles, specialising in health and well-being content.