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Dr Gretchen Multiple Sclerosis MS

Taking back control with the byACRE Carbon Ultralight

Dr. Grethchen is the founder of an online Multiple sclerosis (MS) wellness programme, where she guides those with MS and other mobility issues to become stronger, improve their walking, increase energy and take back control.  She has devoted her life to helping people living with MS and the challenges they face when their MS shows its teeth.

In the video below she shows how the byACRE Carbon Ultralight rollator arrives perfectly boxed and ready to go - as simple as that. 


”It looked easy to use, it looked light and super well designed… basically, everything I had been looking for in a rollator…”

Dr. Gretchen also gives us an insight after a discussion with a new rollator-user about this lightweight product and life with mobility challenges, along with demonstrating helpful exercises with the rollator.  

How often do you use a rollator?
Walking exercises and ordinary walking in the house. Have used it a couple of times outside of the house, but have not been out much during the pandemic.

How does using a rollator make you feel?
More stable and confident.

When did it first occur to you that you needed a rollator?
I never considered a rollator before discovering byACRE, because others I had tried at physical therapy worked so poorly.

Were you hesitant to start using it?
Not after I saw the video online of you unboxing it.

What feelings and thoughts did you have about it?
It looked easy to use, it looked light and super well designed… basically, everything I had been looking for in a rollator but had never found until I saw the Carbon Ultralight.

How has the disease/mobility issue affected your life?
In every miserable way possible.

What reactions do you get from others when walking with a rollator?

Because I acquired mine recently, and during the pandemic, I haven’t been around many people while using it. When I have taken it to medical appointments, I like it that others are more patient with my slowness and have given me the appropriate space to maneuver.

What does it enable you to do that you couldn’t otherwise do?
Inside the house it has allowed me to stop wall-surfing. After the pandemic I am hoping it gives me more freedom to go out.

What criteria are important when choosing a rollator? Why?
Being ergonomically correct and enhancing your posture while improving your mobility; being light, and easy for others to move; being visually attractive, not an eyesore.

What’s the best piece of advice you would offer to a new user?
I really like having one on each floor of our house, keeping them at the foot and top of the stairs, so that I can move seamlessly from one Carbon Ultralight to the other.

Previous article Janneke has her freedom back thanks to her byACRE Ultralight Rollator
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